The Podvrší Lookout Tower
The walkway offers visitors to the lookout point a view of the entire Moravian Karst protected landscape area and more distant points such as, for example, the cooling towers of the Dukovany power station around 52 km to the southwest, the Pálava Hills near Mikulov 57 km to the southeast, and Skalky to the northeast – the highest peak of the Drahany Highlands near Benešov.It is also worth mentioning that a number of observation towers are visible from the lookout point – Babí Lom near Lelekovice to the south, Milenka u Rudky to the west, the observation tower near the village of Kozárov and two wooden observation towers – one on the hill Malý Chlum and a second above Spešov.
The ruins of Blansek Castle, probably established in the middle of the twelfth century, are also located in the forests near the lookout point and can be reached from Nové Dvory along the path lined by the Theresian linden avenue.